氏名 課題研究タイトル
冨田 直樹
(Naoki Tomita)
産業技術強化法に基づく政府研究開発投資から生まれた特許出願の解析 -ライフサイエンス分野について-
Analysis of patent applications came out of the government R&D investments based on Industrial Technology Enhancement Act : With special reference to life science
佐藤 嘉朗
(Yoshiaki Satoh)
Study on the intellectual property management of the U.S. bankrupted biotech companies
原田 進司
(Shinji Harada)
Role of patent application in the dental implant field in Japan
福田 宗弘
(Munehiro Fukuda)
Research on patent portfolio of U.S. biotech companies acquired by big pharmaceuticals